Mauricio Lorca´s First Approach
To Zapam Zucum

Being a trailblazer in the search for the maximum expression of the fruit, Mauricio Lorca's curiosity for these characteristic wines for their intense fruity aroma and great complexity, began at the end of 2018.

He traveled to Vichigasta, ancestral town of La Rioja, in search of the best terroir for his own organic wine project. After a long search and accompanied by the last rays of sun that were hiding behind the mountain ranges, he arrived at a farm in the west of the province which he wanted to tour enchanted by its climate, soil and fruit.

With the night on and in the final steps of the wander, Mauricio began to hear sounds similar to many bells that increase its sound as time passed. Without giving much more importance and shortly after reaching the exit he decided to continue on his way. When he was about to leave the path between the vineyards he heard a chilling scream from a woman who came from afar. Before his shocked face, his walking partner from the place, laughingly told him "Quiet, it's Zapam Zucum that protects our fruits."

That night, after living that experience, not only increased the desire to produce organic wines, but also generated the need to learn more about the history of that protective woman in the form of a legend who stole her attention, and thus honor her through Zapam Zucum wines.


Hi Zapam Zucum!

This divinity is original of the town of Vichigasta, La Rioja. The Zapam Zucum was characterized as a brunette woman, who invariably appears naked, in full force. With black eyes and hair. Voluminous figure that moves when walking producing a sound that gives rise to its name.

She is the mother and providence of abandoned children. Fan the fire to guide those who move too far away with their smoke.

She is the great defender of fruits, and she is pleased with the simple celebrations that are celebrated under her shadows. But beware of the one who damages what he protects, Zapam Zucum will take revenge by stealing the children of those who do it.

Sometimes it is considered as an evil being. Those who witnessed her say that she is a woman with dark skin, gigantic and horribly ugly. With huge and hanging breasts, it surprises the shepherds and gatherers with chilling screams. His greatest fun is to catch all those who are not fast enough to escape, and take them to an unknown destination, without anyone else seeing them again.

The tribute of Mauricio Lorca

Get to know our WINES, created to honor an ARGENTINE LEGEND.


